Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1. The theme I picked up on was that love changes people.  It may not do so immediately or even very obviously, but a change occurs.  These changes can be called the "symptoms" of love.  They are changes that almost everyone experiences.  The poem touches upon how the symptoms can be good and bad.  I noticed the harmful ones related to relationships I have witnessed or been a part of in the past.  One problem is when people obviously have intense loving feelings for each other, but they are so strong they cannot control them.  This leads to other problems such as jealousy.  This is a common problem in many relationships.  Many people are not trusting of their partner or are very jealous when others interact with him or her.  Another thing that occurs when people's feelings are very strong is that they begin to argue over petty, stupid things and they do not even know why.  Hazm adds other symptoms that basically show that love makes us crazy.  Love changes our thought processes.

2. "The Dove's Necklace" relates to the other poetry because it is about love.  More specifically it talks about the way in which love "sees."  The idea that "love is blind" is a prominent theme and the idea of being seen differently or seeing someone else differently is prominent.  We see the ones we love based on how we love them.  We choose not to see their faults.  We are seen differently by them as well.  People who love each other see each other the way they want to, and people try to change to be who their lover/loved ones want them to be.  In the end, it is all "in the eyes of the beholder."  The loved and the loving see what and how they want to (about the other person) based on that love they share.

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